Recall Search

Check the recall status of a vehicle


The Recall Check API allows you to access the current recall status of a given vehicle based on the registration. This API requires authentication and an appropriate license attached to it.


For example, your request would resemble the below

curl ""
-H 'ApiKey: {API_KEY}'

If the vehicle is found its relevant details and any recall events will be contained in the response, an example is below:

    "success": true,
    "vehicle_registration_mark": "WM23DXA",
    "vehicle_identification_number": "WBA7L120707M69678",
    "smmt_manufacturer_model_desc": "BMW M135i xDrive Auto",
    "recall_status": "No recall found",
    "recall_status_checked_datetime": "2024-05-23T02:08:59.7419077Z",
    "recall_qty": 0,
    "recall_data_items": []

Last updated