Valuation Predictions

Generate market accurate predictions for vehicles.


The Valuation API can be used to determine the present retail & trade values, as well as the residual values of new vehicles.

This API requires authentication and an appropriate license attached to it.

To use the API, a Vehicle ID returned from the Vehicle Search API or Vehicle Facet API is required.



To retrieve a Vehicle ID, use the Vehicle Search APIs.

Starting with a vehicle ID post it to /v2/valuations/predict

    "region": "uk",
    "vehicle_id": "5804870883868672"
    "kms": 30000,
    "condition_score": 2

The condition score is optional and can be used to further refine your pricing prediction.


    "success": true,
    "prediction": {
        "id": "a2955915-9611-40ef-8b98-b827dad76ff4",
        "vehicle_id": "5804870883868672",
        "kms": 57306,
        "price": 20622,
        "score": 0.9239,
        "retail_price": 20622,
        "trade_price": 17122,
        "adjustment": null

Pricing ID

The payload returned by price prediction requests will include an ID, which you can use to refer to the pricing request in the future. The /v2/valuations/history/{PRICING_ID method will return the response from a previous pricing request, and you can also use the Pricing ID to track price changes with the Price Changes API, if licenced.

To get a paginated list of all your previous price predictions, you can use the /v2/valuations/history endpoint.

Condition Score

By supplying a condition score, you can manipulate the trade_price returned by the prediction endpoint. The condition score can be between 1 and 5. A condition of 1 being poor condition and a condition of 5 excellent condition.

Supplying any other numbers will return the default trade_price which assumes excellent condition.

If you're building a user interface where you allow the user to choose a condition it is recommended you follow the industry standard in the table below.

Last updated